Rojo Light Therapy Australia

Is Red Light Therapy Scientifically Proven To Have Any Benefits for Weight Loss?

If you have tried ways to lose a bit of belly fat or bring down your weight, chances are, red light therapy (RLT) might have popped up in your searches once or twice. However, can this treatment really help you lose weight?

As proponents of innovation in health and wellness, the team at Rojo Light Therapy is compelled to spread awareness about the weight loss benefits red light therapy can potentially offer that regular diet and exercise cannot always achieve.

In this article, we’ll illuminate the potential of RLT by listing a few prominent studies within the photobiomodulation discourse and discussing their results on non-invasive, natural approaches to treatment in detail. 

Does Red Light Therapy Work?

Red light therapy is a better-known term for photobiomodulation and low-level laser therapy (LLLT) that uses special LED lights. Based on the evidence available, RLT has the potential to augment weight loss efforts.

Here are five studies we’ve chosen to explore in-depth:

With Diet/Exercise Changes

In a 2015 study published in the Lasers in Surgery and Medicine Journal - assessing red light therapy benefits when combined during physical training - 64 participants ages 20 to 40 with a BMI of 30-40 kg/m(2) were subjected to two groups.

The women in the control group participated in regular exercise while undergoing a placebo light treatment, while those in the experimental group also underwent exercise training, but immediately received red light therapy after each session. Both groups were monitored three times per week, in sessions over a period of 20 weeks.

At the end of the study, the researchers found that the women in the experimental group received a greater fat mass reduction and an increase in both adiponectin concentration (a hormone that breaks down fat) and skeletal muscle mass than the women in the control group.

In a more recent study from 2017, researchers found that LLLT, when combined with treadmill walking, resulted in a significant reduction in waist circumference. 28 women, ages 50-65 with a BMI over 29 kg/m, underwent treadmill walking sessions thrice weekly for over 12 weeks.

This was achieved by wearing an activated near-infrared (NIR) belt tied around their abdomen. 

After the study, the researchers found that the combination of LLLT and treadmill walking resulted in significant reductions in waist circumference, abdominal fat percentage, fat mass, and BMI for the participants in the experimental group when compared to the control group.

These studies suggest that the effectiveness of LLLTs can be significantly enhanced during or after physical activity.

With Undocumented Diet/Exercise Changes

In a randomised controlled trial published in 2009, 67 participants ages 18-65 with a BMI of 25-30 kg/m(2) underwent RLT treatments three times a week over two weeks.

By the end of the trial, the study found that the participants experienced a reduction in waist circumference by 0.98 inches, a reduction in hip measurements by 1.05 inches, and a reduction in thigh size by 0.65 inches.

However, follow-up documentation revealed that participants regained 0.31 inches across all three measurement sites two weeks after the trial. This may be due to factors such as natural fluctuations in body size, although there were no documented changes in the participants’ diet and/or exercise routines.

Without Any Diet/Exercise Changes

In a randomised pilot study from 2019 to compare the effect of LLLT on weight reduction, 60 overweight participants (6 males and 54 females with a mean age of 43.7 years) were subjected to LLLT treatments for a period of 12 weeks. 

They were noted to have not been engaged in any concurrent weight-loss programs such as prescribed weight-loss medicines or exercise programs. 

After analysing the data, the researchers concluded that 12 LLLT treatments over the course of 6 weeks (split in two sessions) was the best option for individuals who want to lose weight – reducing 0.8-inch (or 2 cm) in waist circumference.

In another older randomised controlled trial published in 2011, 40 healthy, but obese adults aged 18-65 were split 1:1 and were treated with LLLT sessions for 30 minutes twice weekly for 4 weeks. This time, however, the participants were asked to not make any changes in their diet or exercise routine.

At the end of the trial, the researchers found that the participants lost significant waist girth (around 2.15 cm) and significant cosmetic improvements.

Foster a Healthier ‘You’ With Rojo Light Therapy

According to the studies mentioned above, red light therapy can indeed help you shed fat in two to four weeks, and potentially bring down fat and body weight with varying degrees of success. 

To optimise results and ensure effectiveness, we highly recommend combining red light therapy with an already existing diet and exercise routine. RLT alone may not be sufficient for significant weight loss, especially for individuals with more complex health considerations or diverse needs.

As always, if you have any questions or are interested in incorporating red light therapy into your routine, feel free to contact us today. We’ll help you get started on your journey to better health and wellness.

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Rojo Light Therapy Australia
Disclaimer: All ROJO light therapy products are considered low risk and designed for general health and wellbeing, they are not intended to cure or prevent specific medical conditions, diseases, or prescribe any course of action. The content on this website is for informational or educational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals. Before using our products, a health professional should be consulted, we are not medical professionals, so please contact your GP or health practitioner for medical advice.
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